why don t women have to pay child support sorted by


Should child support be abolished?

So you're telling me if some guy has a one night stand with some crazy chic from a bar and accidentally gets her pregnant and she decides she wants to keep it just because she wants a baby he should have to pay for that the rest of his life? DO NOT base child support on what a spouse says the parent made.

When child support isn't paid, families struggle in more ways than one

My husband does NOT like to pay bills unless it effects him somehow, like child support.

Why I REFUSE to pay child support

I feel the default option in custody cases should be joint legal and physical custody with no court ordered child support absent a strong reason.

Do I Have to Pay Child Support if I Don’t Get to See My Child?

There are also fathers out their who are single parents that were left to fend and raise their child and terrible mothers who leave their children! And many of them are very surprised when they learn that.

Child Support: Why Some Men Hate Paying It

In some marriages, the woman works and brings home an income while men stay home with the children.

Child Support: Why Some Men Hate Paying It

My whole point is that we've come to a day in age where women have just as good paying jobs as men and if not higher.

How Child Support Is Determined When a Parent Has No Income

Everyone says money isn't everything, But it practically is! And, many of them do deal with deadbeat fathers who should step up their financial support and time spent with their children.

Are Moms Less Likely Than Dads To Pay Child Support?

It is irrelevant whether or not the mother makes enough money on her own to support her and the children.

When child support isn't paid, families struggle in more ways than one

Diana Shepherd has over 30 years of experience as a marketing, branding, SEO, copywriting, editing, and publishing expert.

'memberclicks.co.uk who fail to pay all of their child support are incarcerated only one

There are always two sides to every story!.

Do I have to pay child support if I didn't want the mother to have the baby?

Have lower levels of financial literacy It's time to change things.

Should the father have to pay child support if he wanted an abortion?

And, in the end you just end up making yourselves look like fools.