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What Does 'Sapiosexual' Mean?

However, the difference is that sapiosexuals engage in physically intimate relationships with them, while sapiophile may not.

You Might Be Sapiosexual: 10 Signs You Get Turned On By Intelligence

Being a sapiosexual means being attracted to all kinds of intelligence, and emotional intelligence counts! Their sex is pretty great.

Urban Dictionary: Sapiosexual

Some sapiosexuals are purely attracted to people based on their intelligence and some find it simply one of the most attractive qualities in a potential partner.

What is Sapiosexual? Definition, Meaning and Signs of Sapiosexual

But it does illustrate the point that — which could include hobbies and general knowledge — over their physical attributes, financial status, and even personality.

12 Signs You Are A Sapiosexual — Someone Who Is Physically And Mentally Turned On By Smart People

For you, you always discover a diamond in the rough — someone who may not initially be the shiniest person in the room, but who holds within them depth and a thirst for life the more and more you dig into who they are.

'This Is What It's Like to Be Sapiosexual'

The more you get to know someone, the more you fall for their intelligence.

What Is A Sapiosexual And How Can I Date One? Here Are 7 Ways To Seduce The Ultra

You are an incredible listener.

You Might Be Sapiosexual: 10 Signs You Get Turned On By Intelligence

You constantly crave new knowledge.

You Might Be Sapiosexual: 10 Signs You Get Turned On By Intelligence

It is hard to understand what may make a person see intelligence as sexually so attractive, however, what happened during our childhoods serves as a foundation of who we are, especially in connection with intimacy.

You Might Be Sapiosexual: 10 Signs You Get Turned On By Intelligence

Woman B: I would like to think so, but I'm constantly proven to be less intelligent than the guys I'm seeing, which is honestly fine by me, if anything I'm the one reaping all the benefits.

You Might Be Sapiosexual: 10 Signs You Get Turned On By Intelligence

Money and power have nothing on remarkable minds and thrilling personalities.

What Is A Sapiosexual And How Can I Date One? Here Are 7 Ways To Seduce The Ultra

While most love a great conversation, you require it daily from the person you choose.